Colchuck lake


Central Cascades -- Leavenworth Area


8.0 miles, roundtrip


Gain: 2280 ft.
Highest Point: 5580 ft.
The first time you round the corner and come out of the trees at Colchuck Lake is something of a religious experience. Suddenly, laid out beneath your feet are the icy waters of the lake–-deep blue in the shade, bright aquamarine in sunlight–-while high above you at the far end of the lake, the twin spires of Dragontail and Colchuck Peaks seem to crowd out the very sky.

And all this is within relatively easy reach. While the final ascent to the lake is steep and rough in places, Colchuck’s overall elevation gain of 2,300 feet makes its spectacular scenery accessible to hikers of almost any ability. In summer, cars fill not only the trailhead parking lot, but the road leading to it. As if Colchuck Lake alone weren’t enough of a draw, it is one of the two gateways to the Enchantments, and the trailhead also accesses Stuart Lake, an easier and equally awesome destination.


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