Alanis Morissette @ Moore Theatre


Thank you

Hand in my pocket

You learn


Head over feet

The show was all ages, but I think you would have been hard-pressed to find a soul under twenty-one/twenty-five/thirty; we were pretty much all of the Alanis Generation (as I'm sure we'll be referred to in coming years), and as soon as Ms. Morissette took the stage, there was rampant dancing like it was '95. Everybody was having a great time, whether it was because they loved Alanis back in the day, had just bought her new album, or were there for the sheer novelty of it with their date - and that's exactly why the Alanis Experience is still so successful today: concerts are a low-risk venture for the artist, because there is basically nobody left to win over; everybody in the crowd already knows what they're getting themselves into.

With that said, as an "impartial" observer, there was a certain cheese factor to it all: she marched in basically the same V pattern across the stage and back all night, executed some pre-planned-looking retro hair-swings, looked like she was holding her guitar (many different, sparkly guitars, actually) just for show much of the time, and kind of did that Ricky Bobby thing with her hands when she wasn't holding the mic; but the crowd loved it. She played ALL the hits. "You Oughta Know" and "Ironic" were, of course in the mix. "Celebrity" - a new favorite - was thrown in for good measure. By the time she came back out for her second encore, people looked rather exhausted, and made a beeline for the door once she finished, but I didn't see too many disappointed faces on the way out


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